Internal constants

The following constants are defined by KCM Core internally. You can use them in all scripts.

Constant Value Type
_date The current date in "dd-MMM-yyyy" notation. The abbreviation of the month is not localized and always in English. Text
_dayofweek The current day of the week. Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, and so on. Number
_document_pack If a Document Pack is associated with the current session, this constant contains the path to the Document Pack content. If no Document Pack is associated with the current session, this constant is empty. Text
_error This constant is set to True if the previous command caused an error; False otherwise. _error is set to False if the command succeeds, and to True if the command fails. The program non-zero return code resides in _returncode in the latter case. If the command started by RunCommand could not be started, _error is set to True and _returncode is set to 0. Boolean
_errorlocation The script in which the last error occurred. Text
_expired_sessions This constant contains a comma-separated list of expired sessions. The content is only valid after a successful ExpireSessions command. Text
_filedate The current date in "yyyymmdd" notation. Text
_filetime The current time in "hhmmssuuu" notation. Text
_hostname Name of the machine on which the Document Processor accessing this constant is running. Text
_interface KCM Core public client interface in "host:port" format. Text
_invalidchar The Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD). Text
_itpext Extension of the last result document. This value is set by the command ITPRun. This constant is available in KCM Core 4.4 and higher. Text
_itplog Contents of the KCM Core ITPLOG file. This value is set by the command ITPRun. Text
_itplogdm Contents of the KCM Core ITPLOGDM file. This value is set by the command ITPRun. Text
_itpstop Contents of the KCM Core ITPSTOP file. This value is set by the command ITPRun and contains the value passed to the instruction STOP. Text
_jobid The Job Identifier of the current request. Text
_message The error message that caused an command OnError to be activated. This variable is set by the command OnError. Text
_newline A line break character (U+000A). Text
_new_session This constant contains the session ID of the last session that was created using the command CloneSession. The content is only valid after a successful command CloneSession. Text
_onlinefeaturelevel The maximum KCM ComposerUI Server feature level supported by KCM Core. Number
_repository_metadata The metadata associated with the object returned by the last RetrieveRepositoryObject command. Text
_restored_session This constant contains the original session ID of the last session that was restored using the command RestoreSession. The content is only valid after a successful RestoreSession command. Text
_returncode The following internal commands set _returncode: RunCommand, PrintDocument, ConvertDocument, RunMacro, SpoolFile, PStoPDF, CreatePDF, ConcatPDF, MergePDF, SecurePDF, and ITPRun. _returncode is set to 0 and _error to False if the command succeeds, and to the program non-zero return code and _error to True if the command fails. If the command started by RunCommand could not be started, _error is set to True and _returncode is set to 0. Number
_script The current script being executed. Text
_server The Microsoft Windows Service name of the Document Processor running the script accessing this constant. Text
_service Text "Load Balancer Interface:" followed by the name of the KCM Core Service accessing this constant. Text
_session_active This constant is set to True if the job is associated with a session; False otherwise. Boolean
_sessiondir The storage directory for the current session. This variable is empty if the request is not associated with a session. Text
_sessionid If the current job is associated with a session, this constant contains the session ID of that session. If the current job is not associated with a session, this constant is empty. Text
_servername Name of the KCM Core installation. Text
_stderr "Standard error" output of the last RunCommand. Text
_stdout "Standard output" output of the last RunCommand. Text
_tab A TAB character (U+0009). Text
_time The current time in "hh:mm:ss" notation. Text
_uniqueid This constant returns a new unique text string every time it is used. This constant is useful for generating unique file names. Text
_user Owner of the request. Text
_version The version of KCM Core. Text
_version_windows The version of Microsoft Windows installed on the server hosting the KCM Document Processor. Text
_version_word The version of Microsoft Word installed on the server hosting the KCM Document Processor. If Microsoft Word is not installed or KCM Core failed to determine the version, this value is empty. Text