
ComposeDocumentPackInteractiveStartV2 creates a Document Pack based on either an interactive Document Template or an interactive Document Pack Template. The call results in a session ID and (partial) URL that can be used to start the interaction in ComposerUI. After the interaction has been completed, you can retrieve the resulting document pack using ComposeDocumentPackGetV1 (see ComposeDocumentPackGetV1).

The request requires the following fields next to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
project repositoryobjectname Name of the KCM Repository project.
templatetype name Either documentpacktemplate, documenttemplate, or letterbook.
templatename repositoryobjectname Name of the template object to compose the document pack from.
databackbonexml base64Binary A base-64 encoded representation of the Data Backbone XML.
allowsuspend boolean Optional. Enables option to suspend interactive composition when set to true. Defaults to False.
status name Optional. The status of the selected template. The available statuses are Current, Accepted, or Published. If omitted, Published is used.
importdocuments base64Binary Optional. A base-64 encoded XML structure binary representation of an import documents data structure. For more information on the format for this XML, see Format for the definitions.

The response contains the following fields in addition to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
ccmsessionid sessionid KCM Contract Manager session identifier.
url url

A URL that is relative to the base URL of Kofax Communications Manager. Example: https://<kcm server>:443/ccm/

All relative URLs that are returned are relative to this base URL.

With this URL, the interactive session can be started.