Purge deleted items

Objects that were marked as deleted can be restored. If you need, however, to permanently remove such objects, you can use the Purge function.

This can be helpful, for example, to optimize disk space: a document revision takes up the same amount of disk space as the original document. If you delete and purge a revision, it is removed from the database and frees up disk space.

You cannot restore items once they are removed using the Purge function.

To purge an item, click it, and then click File > Purge

There are certain cases when Purge does not remove all objects marked for deletion. For example, when a user deletes a source document and does not delete the Master Template that was created based on it, the source document is not purged until the Master Template is deleted as well.

Blocked purging

Also, there can be objects that prevent the revision from being removed. They are included in a subfolder called "purging blocked by", available to the administrative user (that is, a user account that has the "Allow login as Admin" KCM right).

The "purging blocked by" subfolder is located under the revisions and objects marked for deletion. It may comprise the objects themselves, or those configured in them — for example, in folders and projects.

To enable the administrative user to view this subfolder, click View > Show Deleted Items.