RunMdl Service

To facilitate running of a document template, the RunMdl Service is provided.

The following table describes the parameters applicable to this Service. These parameters must be passed to RunMDL as a list separated by semicolons.

Parameter Description
Model Required. The rep:/ URl to be executed.
Result Optional. The result Document Pack, path and name, and extension. The path is optional. If no path is given, the requesting application receives the file and moves it to the specific destination. If no value is given, the result is written in a result.doc.

Optional, depending on your template. Keys and extra parameters are used to pass information to a template. You can use this mechanism when you integrate KCM into a business application. For example, you can use the key or extra parameters to identify the customer for whom a policy or an invoice needs to be created. The template can then use the identifying information to retrieve the full customer name and address.

Extra parameters are specified as a string of values separated by semicolons with the maximum length of 1024 characters. This parameter is not meant to pass big amounts of data to a template, for this purpose, use the Data Backbone.

Environment Optional. Templates are always run in an environment. You need to specify the name of the environment. If no environment parameter is passed, the default environment will be used. If you pass an environment that does not exist, an error occurs.
MetaData Optional. The name of an XML file to store metadata after the template run is completed.
DBB_XMLInput Optional. The name of a data XML file used to fill the template Data Backbone.
DBB_XMLOutput Optional. The name of a file to store the XML file with data of the template Data Backbone after the template run is completed.