Form and question IDs

The Form ID offers a unique reference to a Form. You can use question IDs in a similar way to give unique references to questions. Although the initially generated Form and question IDs are unique, KCM Repository does not check this after manually changing IDs.

These IDs are related to the Suspend and Resume functionality, because modifications to questions and Forms have implications for the persisted data of suspended sessions. Form IDs can also be used to identify a Form in the Metadata, similar to question IDs for questions.

Until a Form ID is changed, questions in that Form are matched based on their ID. Changes to templates and Forms while a template run is suspended does not necessarily require answering previously answered Forms. Previously entered answers are restored when a template run is resumed by mapping answers to questions with the same ID.

Automatically generated and manually entered IDs are not automatically changed if a question in a Form is changed. To ensure that an already answered Form is presented again after a resume, the Form or question ID has to be changed manually in the QForm Editor.