
The ITPDSDataSender interface includes the following methods.

  • ITPDSendData

public ITPDSInputStream ITPDSSendData(java.lang.String DataItem)

This method is called when the KCM Core server executes the ReceiveFile command.

It returns either null to indicate that it does not want to send the data or an ITPDSInputStream object from which the data will be read.

The returned InputStream object must be wrapped in an ITPDSInputStream object because KCM Core requires the size of the data to be available before actually sending the data.

The method has one parameter:

  1. DataItem. The client parameter as passed in Src(...) Dest(...) of the ReceiveFile command.
  • ITPDSendDataFinished

public void ITPDSSendDataFinished(java.lang.String DataItem,ITPDSInputStream in)

This method is called when sending the data has been finished. When it is called, it means that all data has been sent to the KCM Core server. It is typically used to close the InputStream object.

It has one parameter:

  1. DataItem. The client parameter as passed in Src(...) Dest(...) of the ReceiveFile command.

    in. The ITPDSInputStream object as returned by ITPDSSendData.