Basic installation

This section describes the basic KCM installation that results in a Contract Manager and a single KCM Instance deployed to the same server in a default configuration and in a running state. Optionally, the installation may include the Batch & Output Management component.

KCM instance handles the document processing for a particular partner and customer (tenant), and Contract Manager acts as the main entry point that hands out work to multiple instances.

KCM Designer for Windows

In addition to the main components, the solution incorporatesKCM Designer for Windows, which is a client application used to perform certain administrative tasks for KCM Designer, for example, managing projects and users, or defining a Data Backbone. You can install KCM Designer for Windows manually after installing the KCM main components, using the KCM Designer for Windows setup. See the KCM Designer for Windows installation section of this guide for details.

Currently, KCM Designer for Windows is still supported to get access to KCM Repository for content development. However, it is recommended to use the web-based KCM Designer instead. It provides a number of new features that are not supported in KCM Designer for Windows.

To install KCM, use a command-line tool Install.exethat is designed to streamline the installation and initial configuration of the software.

Additional requirements

This section lists the prerequisites and preparatory steps you have to take before you run Install.exe.

The <deploy root> folder where you are going to install the software, must consist of ASCII characters.

Before you start, make sure that:

KCM Repository database

KCM installation requires a database for KCM Repository.

Multiple KCM instances cannot use the same database for KCM Repository. If you plan to deploy multiple KCM instances, make sure you have a dedicated database prepared for each of them.

Whenever you use an Oracle or an SQL Server database for KCM Repository, you must supply an ODBC Connection String. A 64-bit ODBC driver is required.

To prepare the database, follow the steps below:

  1. Create an empty database or make sure one exists on the database server.
  2. For SQL Server database, consider the following:
    • If the database is not installed locally, Microsoft SQL Server Command Line Utilities have to be installed on the KCM server.

      64-bit DBMS drivers are not supported for DID connections. These drivers must be configured as the 32-bit DBMS drivers.

    • Database must be created with case-insensitive collation.
    • TCP/IP protocol for SQL Server must be enabled.
    • SQL Server authentication mode must be set to Mixed mode (both SQL Server and Windows Authentication).
    • Default authentication method is SQL Server authentication. SQL Server account for database access must satisfy the following conditions:
    • To enable Windows authentication, leave out the database user and password parameters, and if needed add Integrated Security=True to the connection string.
  3. For Oracle database, consider the following:
    • Minimum table space available for KCM Repository database is 60 MB.

    • 64-bit DSN configuration is required.

    • Oracle Client versions and are not supported for use with KCM Repository.
    • The Oracle user you plan to use for database access should have the following privileges:
      • Create Session

      • Create Table

    When creating a user in Oracle, do not use lowercase characters in a quoted user identifier. When logging on to Oracle, KCM extends the connection with a user identifier without quotes. This causes Oracle to interpret the user name as uppercase.

    For example, if you create KCM_USER in Oracle, KCM will be able to log in with this user, but if you create Kcm_User, KCM will not be able to log in, because Kcm_User is automatically interpreted as KCM_USER, and that user does not exist.

Batch & Output Management databases

Adding Batch & Output Management to the installation requires two additional databases:

  • A database for the B&OM Repository
  • A database for the runtime information
  1. Databases must be created manually, with case-insensitive collation.
  2. Databases must be empty.
  3. Two user accounts for database access. They must be specified with the OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseUser and OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabaseUser deployment parameters.
  4. In case of using SQL Server, both accounts must satisfy the following conditions:
    • database owner role
    • ALTER_TRACE privilege
  5. For Oracle databases, both accounts must have the following privileges:
  6. In addition, the user account for the B&OM Repository database (specified with the OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseUser parameter) must have the following privileges:

Additional restriction of SQL Server account permissions

You can avoid assigning the database owner role to the SQL Server account by setting the Instance!ContinueInstallationOnFailedDatabaseCheck to true. In this case, the SQL server account needs to have the following permissions:

  • for database:
    • connect
    • create table
  • for created tables on schema level:
    • select
    • insert, update, delete
    • alter

To run KCM, you only need the connect, select, insert, update, and delete permissions.

The create table and alter permissions are required during installation, upgrade, when you add a new instance, and when you run the cvc.exe tool.

Database access check

KCM performs a check on the database access, using the provided database connection string and database user and password. It checks the database access settings before starting the actual execution of various tools. This check is limited and might erroneously show messages about missing permissions. To override this check, use the Instance!ContinueInstallationOnFailedDatabaseCheck=true parameter to indicate that execution should continue even when the check returns a negative result. This does not override the check on an empty database and partner customer registration.

Windows accounts

The account used to run Install.exe must be included in the local Administrators group on the target server.

Prepare the following Windows user accounts:

  • User account for KCM Windows services and B&OM services. This can be a local account or a domain account. It requires:
    1. Membership in the local Administrators group.
    2. Logon as a service right.
  • User account for KCM web applications. This can be a local account or a domain account. It requires:
    1. Logon as a service right.
    2. Read & execute permission on the Tomcat installation folder.
    3. Read permissions on the SSL certificate file for the Contract Manager.

The installation will automatically create the KCM Designer Administrator account. You can change its password as described in the Change your password topic in KCM Designer Help.