Define a Data Structure

Data Structures types must be defined before they are used. Each Data Structure has a name and a list of members with their types. The name of the Data Structure and its members are case-sensitive and must match the same naming conventions as entry names.

You can declare Data Structure types using the keyword DATASTRUCTURE.


The following requirements apply to Data Structures:

  • The name of a Data Structure must begin with an uppercase character and is limited to uppercase characters, lower-case characters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
  • The name must be unique in the scope where it is declared.
  • The name cannot be a keyword in the Template scripting language. To avoid conflicts, including with future extensions to the language, do not use all capitals for the name.
  • Members are a list of zero or more member declarations.

The DATASTRUCTURE statement defines a Data Structure and assigns it a name.