
Formats a string by concatenating the strings variable1 to variableN, according to the defined format rule.

If the result contains the % character, define it as %% in the formatRule parameter.

FormatStr(formatRule,formatParams: Variable1, Variable2, ..., VariableN) 

formatRule Format rule
formatParams Strings to format

RETURN Formatted text
d = "01"

m = "02"

dm = FormatStr("Day: %s, Month: %s", d, m) ;Result: dm = "Day: 01, Month: 02"


y ="2017"

Date = FormatStr("%s/%s/%s", m, d, y) ;Result Date = "02.01.2017"

; Percent sign in the result string:

Percentage = "5"

Res = FormatStr("Percentage: %s %% p.a.", Percentage) ; Res = Percentage: 5 % p.a.