Job method

The Job method is the constructor of the class Aia.ITP.Server.Job. Its parameters host, port, jobID and service represent exactly the mandatory parameters of a KCM Core job submission. The final parameter parameters is a variable-length list of parameters passed to the KCM Core Service. For parameters, the empty string ("") is interpreted as if the parameter was not passed, which causes the default value to be substituted (if any). After the object is constructed, the parameters of the constructor are stored in the properties Host, Port, JobID, Service, and Parameters, respectively.

This constructor does not submit the job to KCM Core, it only constructs an Aia.ITP.Server.Job object with some properties already set to the values passed to the constructor. After constructing the Aia.ITP.Server.Job object, there is an opportunity to set optional properties and register event handlers. The job can then be submitted to KCM Core using the methods Submit() or SubmitAsync().