
When an error occurs, an Error object is passed to the onrunfailed or onerror callback. This object contains values for the following attributes:

  • type. String. "http" or "ui."
  • message. String. A message used to display the error to the end user.
  • details. Object. An object containing more details about the error. The exact contents of the object differs between error types.

For type "http," the error.details object contains the following attributes:

  • url. String. The URL that is accessed.
  • statuscode. Number. The http status code that is returned.
  • statustext. String. The status text (if any) that is returned in the http header.
  • responsetext. String. The response text (if any) that is returned in the response body.

For type "ui," the error.details object contains the following attributes:

  • context. String. A textual representation that indicates the context in which the error occurred.
  • exception. Object. The JavaScript exception that is thrown to indicate the error.