DeliverCommunication function (for electronic output)

The DeliverCommunication function in electronic delivery performs these functions in the following order:

  1. Moves the input electronic communication to the Busy status and sets its start time.
  2. Creates a single document pack for the communication from the composed Document Pack for the correspondence by doing the following:
    1. Removing slots not selected by the communication
    2. Optionally adding the cover letter if it was created during the communication
    3. Restricting the Document Pack to the channel selected by the communication
  3. Creates a metadata file for the communication that conforms to the CcmBomElectronicCommunicationMetadata XSD.
  4. Invokes the Electronic Delivery exit point on KCM Core
  5. Moves the input electronic communication to the Finished status and sets its finish time.


The process does not have any input parameters. It searches the run-time database for an electronic communication record in the Waiting status. If multiple records are available, they are picked up one by one, but the order is not determined.


If an electronic communication is processed successfully, DeliverCommunication returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

If an error is encountered, DeliverCommunication moves the input electronic communication to the Error status and sets the error time and error message.

It is safe to call DeliverCommunication from different processes simultaneously, even if they process electronic communications from the same run-time database.