Create copies of objects

You can use this functionality to copy objects to another location.

Consider the following when copying objects:

  • Only the [draft] revision of objects with revisions is copied.
  • Locks are not copied, except when copying a revision directly.
  • The revision number of a copied revision is set to x.0, where x is the current major revision number of the project where the copied revision is pasted. For more information on revision numbering, see Revision numbering.
  • The copied object gets the authorization of the folder it is copied to.
  • An object can only be copied where it would also be allowed to create a new object of that type. This includes authorization.
  • Copies of folders contain a copy of the complete content in these folders, with the exception of templates and objects that have no current revision.
  • Usage information and Includes information is not valid after a copy. The copied objects are marked with [Dependency info outdated]. To refresh the information, right-click the object and click Compute Dependencies.
  • Labels are only copied when an entire project is duplicated.