
The key_used_in_bool_map function tests if a certain key is present in a map of type BOOL, without creating the corresponding element.

 key_used_in_bool_map ( key_to_find; map_name)

The result of the function is type BOOL. The function yields TRUE if the map contains an element map[key].

The function key_used_in_bool_map has two parameters:

  1. key_to_find is of type TEXT. The key to be detected in the map.
  2. map_name is of type MAP BOOL. The map to be tested for the presence of the key_to_find.

An example is provided here.

BOOL key_found := key_used_in_bool_map ( "a_key"; mymap )

The index of the map mymap will be searched for the key a_key. If it is found, the variable key_found will be set to TRUE.