File transfers

Whenever KCM Core encounters a SendFile or ReceiveFile instruction, it either sends the contents of a file to the specified queue or retrieves a message from the specified queue and stores it in a file. For the description of these commands, see Kofax Communications Manager Core Scripting Language Developer's Guide.

The instruction SendFile recognizes the special queue *REPLYQ. If this queue is used as destination in the script, the message is put on the queue that was specified in the ReplyQ/ReplyQMgr attributes of the job.

KCM Core does not request the client for particular file transfers. The client must ensure that it puts all data on one or more queues at the start of the job. Only after the job has ended and committed, the client will be able to read back result data.

If intermediate interaction with the client is required, you should split up a job in to several transactions.