Reinstall Amyuni printer drivers

The Amyuni printer drivers may accidentally be damaged or removed. KCM Core provides two methods to reinstall missing Amyuni printer drivers:

  1. In KCM Core Administrator, remove the KCM Document Processor whose printer driver is damaged and then add the KCM Document Processor again. This automatically recreates the Amyuni printer driver for that KCM Document Processor.

  2. Use the command line program CreateAmyuniPrinter.exe that resides in the directory bin/DocToPDF of the KCM Core program folder. This program can be used to install and uninstall Amyuni printer drivers for a KCM Document Processor. The program requires the following parameters: either "install" (to install an Amyuni printer driver) or "uninstall" (to uninstall an Amyuni printer driver), the name of the KCM Core installation, and the number of the KCM Document Processor whose Amyuni printer driver is to be installed or uninstalled.

    Once an Amyuni printer driver is reinstalled, restart the corresponding KCM Document Processors.