
Use the uppercase_of_characters function to convert a fragment from a larger text to uppercase.

The function is capable of handling Unicode characters and word processor instructions.

 uppercase_of_characters ( input; offset; length )

This function returns a value of type TEXT.

The function has three parameters:

  1. input, type TEXT. The text from which the fragment is taken.
  2. offset, type NUMBER. The position of the first character to be converted.
  3. length, type NUMBER. The number of characters to be converted.

offset starts at 1 for the first character in input. A negative or 0 value is interpreted as the beginning of the value.

A negative or 0 value for length has no effect.

Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical objects, is stripped. Stripped content is not counted when calculating the offset and length and not included in the resulting text.


 uppercase_of_characters ("This is an EXAMPLE"; 6; 2) 

Results in "This IS an EXAMPLE"

The uppercase_of_characters function supercedes the uppercase2 function.