Restore a saved publication state

When an object, a Changeset or a set of objects gets the published status, KCM Repository records all published revisions in a project after another publication is performed. Every new publication produces another saved publication state.

Old saved publication states are discarded when more recent publications appear.

For more information on the publication states validity period, see Configure Undo Publish feature.

You can use the RollbackPublication.exe command-line tool to perform a rollback.

  • You cannot undo a rollback.
  • You can restore only the publication that precedes the current one. To roll back to older saved publication states, repeat the action until the desired saved publication state is restored.


The tool has the following parameters:

Parameter Required / Optional Description
Instance!Number Required KCM instance number the tool should operate on.

For Docker, it is always set to 1.

Repository!User Optional

Only required when the LDAP mode is disabled.

User account in KCM Designer. This account needs the authorization to perform the Publish action on the project.
Repository!Password Optional

Only required when the LDAP mode is disabled.

Password for the KCM Designer user account.


Only required when the LDAP mode is enabled.

Logon token generated with KCM Designer. For more information, see "Log in to KCM Designer and KCM Designer for Windows" in Help for KCM Designer.
Repository!Project Required Name of the project with the last saved publication state to roll back to.
Action!Perform Optional If set to True, the rollback is performed.

If omitted or set to another value, the actions that the rollback would perform are shown, but not executed.

Example 1: LDAP mode is disabled

RollbackPublication.exe Instance!Number=1
Repository!User=administrator Repository!Password=******
Repository!Project=InstallationTest Action!Perform=true

Example 2: LDAP mode is enabled

RollbackPublication.exe Instance!Number=1
Repository!Project=InstallationTest Action!Perform=true