
The CcmComposerUIAPIV1.Model.RunOptions call returns a RunOptions object that can be passed to the Start call. The call takes a single object as an argument. From this object, the following attributes are registered as options:

  • locale. Object. The value of the locale.ui attribute of this object is used to determine the user interface language to be used during the interactive document composition. The following values are currently supported: "en" and "nl" for English and Dutch, respectively.
  • tbescripturl. String. This parameter has become obsolete. It's value will be ignored.
  • tbeformatfunctions. Array. An array of format function objects to be presented to the end user in the formatting dialog in the Text Block Editor. A format function consists of the name attribute and the parameters attribute.

    Example [{name: 'Concat', parameters: ['prefix']}, {name: 'AsNumber', parameters: ['nr_of_decimals']}].