KCM Core scripts

This chapter provides information about scripts and their usage.

Scripts help control and configure KCM Core as well as create KCM configuration files.

You can use scripts as components in other scripts. For more information on the syntax of script components, see the section Scripts as commands in the Kofax Communications Manager Core Scripting Language Developer's Guide.

Scripts are text files containing KCM Core scripting language commands. KCM Core comes with a script editor to facilitate creating and editing scripts.

All scripts are located in the scripts folder of the KCM Core instance. The Scripts folder contains scripts that you create. The User Library folder contains exit point scripts that you can customized.

Scripts placed in the Scripts folder are not automatically exposed as KCM Core Services. To expose a script as a KCM Core Service, it must be added in KCM Core Administrator. To learn how, see Add a Service to create a script.

KCM Core internal scripts and commands take precedence over the scripts created by the user. If you create a script with the same name as an existing KCM Core Script command, your script will not be available. To avoid this issue, adopt a naming convention for scripts. For example, you can name your scripts starting with your company name.