
Executes an SQL command without a result.

If the SQL statement contains parameters (%s or :Param), it is only executed if these parameters can be resolved or are recognized. This is done by means of the paramsDescls list.

If the list is already passed with SetExecSQL, the function is executed. If not, the parameters must be resolved or made available by calling PrepareSQL and passing the list. Following that, you need to execute the ExecSQL function.

SetExecSQL(datasetName, sqlList)
 SetExecSQL(datasetName, sqlList, paramDescls) 

The following table lists and describes the attributes.

datasetName Name of the dataset.
sqlList Name of the string list containing the SQL statement.

Name of the string list containing the description of the SQL parameters. The parameters used in the SQL statement are described in this string list.

You need to specify the parameter descriptions in the same order as in the SQL statement. Each parameter must exist in the form ParameterName=ParameterType.

A corresponding local variable with the value of the parameter must exist for each ParameterName defined.

For the parameter type b (binary), the variable must contain the path and file name of the dataset to insert.

The parameter type consists of two characters. The first character determines the direction of the parameter.

The following characters are supported.

Parameter Definition
b Bi-directional (input and output parameter)
i Input parameter
o Output parameter
r Return value (stored procedure)

If an unsupported character is defined, the parameter i is used.

The second character determines the format of the parameter.

The following characters are supported.

Parameter Definition
b Binary (BLOB field)
d Date
f Float
i Integer
s String
t Time
@ Date time

If an unsupported character is defined, the parameter s is used.