
Parameter Required / Optional Description
Start!Mode Optional. The default value is AllServices. Determines which services are started. Possible values are:
  • AllServices. Starts all services of B&OM, including the custom Windows service hosts

  • BaseServicesOnly. Starts the Core and Output services of B&OM, but does not start the custom Windows service hosts.

OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseType Required The type of the database to be used by B&OM. Specify SQLServer or Oracle.
OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseConnectionString Required

Specifies the connection string that Batch & Output Management uses to connect to its repository database.

This cannot be an ODBC connection string. Depending on the OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseType parameter, this must be either a valid Oracle or SQL Server connection string.

  • Primary B&OM installation must be connected to the new empty database.
  • Secondary B&OM installation must be connected to the same database as the primary installation.
Do not specify user name or password in this connection string. The database user account is configured using the specific parameters described below.

For SQL Server database, consider the following:

  • Default authentication method is SQL Server authentication.
  • Windows authentication is also supported. To enable it, leave out the database user and password parameters.
OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseUser Required for connection to Oracle database or to SQL Server database using SQL Server authentication.

Can be omitted whenever you have a connection string that does not require a user and password - for example, for connection to SQL Server database using Windows authentication.

The database user account that B&OM server will use to connect to the B&OM Repository database.

Make sure the account has the required roles and privileges, as described in the Database section of this guide.

OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabasePassword Required for Oracle database user and for SQL Server connection using SQL Server authentication.

Can be omitted whenever you have a connection string that does not require a user and password, for example, for connection to SQL Server database using Windows authentication.

Specifies the password that Batch & Output Management uses to connect to its Repository database.

OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabaseConnectionString Optional. If omitted, no runtime database will be configured.

Specifies the connection string that B&OM uses to connect to its Runtime database.

This cannot be an ODBC connection string. Depending on the OutputManagement!DatabaseType parameter, this must be either a valid Oracle or SQL Server connection string.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.

Do not specify user name or password in this connection string. The database user account is configured using the specific parameters described below.

For SQL Server database, consider the following:

  • Default authentication method is SQL Server authentication.
  • Windows authentication is also supported. To enable it, leave out the database user and password parameters.
OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabaseType Required when the following parameter has a value: OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabaseConnectionString

Otherwise, this parameter is not allowed.

The type of the database to be used by B&OM. Specify SQLServer or Oracle.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.

OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabaseUser Required for Oracle database user and for SQL Server connection using SQL Server authentication.

Can be omitted whenever you have a connection string that does not require a user and password, for example, for connection to SQL Server database using Windows authentication.

The database user account that B&OM server will use to connect to B&OM Runtime database.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.

OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabasePassword Required for Oracle database user and for SQL Server connection using SQL Server authentication.

Can be omitted whenever you have a connection string that does not require a user and password, for example, for connection to SQL Server database using Windows authentication.

Specifies the password that Batch & Output Management uses to connect to its Runtime database.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.


Optional when a runtime database connection is provided.

Otherwise, cannot be used.

The name of the system in which the runtime database will be configured.

Default value is RefSystem58.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.

OutputManagement!ImportContentFile Optional

Full path to a database content export file.

If omitted, database content won't be exported.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.


Optional if OutputManagement!ImportContentFile is provided. In this case, the default value is False.

Otherwise, cannot be used.

A boolean flag that determines what should be done when the ImportContentFile contains existing systems.

  • True - add objects of system in import to existing system, but don't take over system configuration

  • False - ignore existing systems

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.


Required if a new repository database is configured.

Otherwise, cannot be used.

Full path to a copy of the UserRepository.config file.

This parameter is used only for secondary B&OM installation.


Required if a new repository database is configured.

Otherwise, cannot be used.

Full path to a copy of the repository.config file.

This parameter is used only for secondary B&OM installation.

OutputManagement!ContinueInstallationOnFailedDatabaseCheck Optional

If set to True, it indicates that execution should continue even when the database access check returns a negative result.

This might result in a failure later, when the database connection cannot be established.