
KCM Core saves the state of the session associated with the job and all files stored in the directory _sessiondir and its subdirectories into an archive file. The session is removed after its state has been saved. For more information on sessions, see KCM Core sessions.

The command SaveSession fails if the active job has not been associated with a session or if the archive file already exists.


   Encrypt(True or False);


  • Archive: Required. Provides the name of the file in which the state of the session is saved.
  • Encrypt: Optional. Indicates if the contents of the session archive should be encrypted. If this parameter has the value True, the contents of the session archive are stored in an encrypted format. If this parameter is omitted or has the value False, the session data is saved in a ZIP file and can be viewed with conventional tools.


The command SaveSession saves the session parameters and all files from the directory _sessiondir. After the command is completed, the current session is cleaned up, and the current job is no longer associated with a session.

If applications running in the background have a lock on one of the files in the directory _sessiondir, the archive may fail.

The SaveSession command allows the administrator to compress and encrypt the session archive to prevent access to sensitive content if the archive is uploaded to the user (as used in the KCM ComposerUI Server sample implementation). The archive has also a checksum which is used to validate the contents before restoring the session. It is allowed to add data to the end of the archive without invalidating its contents. The command RestoreSession ignores this additional data.