
The job Submit takes the following parameters:

  • Service

    This is the name of the Service the job is submitted to such as RunMdl.

  • Parameters

    The parameters for the job. They are passed as a string to the Web Services interface.

  • Input files

    Input files to send files to KCM Core that you can collect with the ReceiveFile command. The content of the file as well as an ID are passed. KCM Core can use this ID to collect the file.

  • SubmitResult

    Contains the answer of KCM Core to the Web Service request. It can contain output files to store files sent by KCM Core and a string returned by KCM Core, such as for error messages.

You can find the complete WSDL interface specification itpserverwsdl.xml and itpserverwrappedwsdl.xml in the Manuals folder of your KCM Core installation.