Global defaults

You can set global defaults for the ExportDocToPDF command in the [Configuration] section of the dp.ini file.


Set to Y to optimize the PDF document for printing. This improves the rendering of the PDF file but generates larger PDF files. Set to N to optimize the PDF document for viewing on a screen.

ExportDocToPDF.OptimiseForPrint=(Y or N)

If omitted, this setting defaults to N.


Determine the default handling of fonts with a license that forbids inclusion into the PDF document. Set to Y to include these fonts as bitmaps. Set to N to include a reference to the font and leave it to the viewer to select an appropriate (substitute) font.

 ExportDocToPDF.FontBitmaps=(Y or N)

If omitted, this setting defaults to Y.


Set to Y to limit the PDF document to the PDF/A (ISO 19005-1) subset. Such documents are more self-contained but could be larger or show more visual artifacts.

 ExportDocToPDF.ExportPDFA=(Y or N)

If omitted, this setting defaults to N.