Change your password

You can change the password that the administrator assigned to you. After changing the password all your authenticated sessions of the user will be ended. Ensure that all your changes are saved before continuing.

You cannot change your password when LDAP is enabled on your system.

A password must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum password length is 12 characters
  • If length is fewer than 20 characters, password should contain at least three of the following character types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and other (symbols, punctuation, and so on)
  • Password cannot be repeated during a 12-month period
  • If applicable, password should not appear on your organization's list of forbidden passwords

For information on the password policy, see the section "Configure the password policy" in the Kofax Communications Manager Repository Administrator's Guide.

If you provide an incorrect password the maximum number of consecutive times (by default, this number is configured to five), your session will be ended and your account will be locked out. To unlock it, contact your administrator. If you provide an invalid new password, your old password will not be changed, and it will not result in your account lock out. For more information, see "Adjust the password policy settings" in the Kofax Communications Manager Administrator's Guide.

  1. To change your password, in the upper right corner, click the user icon, and then click Change my password.
    The Change my password window appears.
  2. Provide the old password. Enter a new password twice to confirm.
    If you have no old password, you are not prompted to provide it.
  3. Click Change.
    In KCM Designer your password will be changed and you will be redirected to the login page. In KCM Designer for Windows your password will be changed and the application will be closed.