Create, edit, and view Rich Text Blocks

KCM Designer gives you the ability to create Rich Text Blocks and edit them in Microsoft Word if you want to apply formatting that is not available for regular Text Blocks from the Text Block Editor. While you edit the content, note that features introduced after Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML for graphical objects and text boxes are not supported. Unsupported features are downgraded to the feature set available in Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML.

For HTML output, Rich Text Blocks are ignored.

Microsoft Word 2016 or later is required.
  1. Click the project and navigate to Content > Text Blocks.
  2. Click the folder with the document to contain a new Rich Text Block and then click New Rich Text Block in the New pane on the right.
    The New Rich Text Block window appears.
  3. Enter a name for the Rich Text Block and click OK.
    The Rich Text Block appears in the folder.

    The name of the Rich Text Block cannot contain any of the following characters:

    : ? / < > * " | \ ( ) .

  4. Select the Rich Text Block you need and click View or Edit in the View and Edit pane on the right.
    1. To view the content, click View.
      The Rich Text Block opens as a read-only document in Microsoft Word.

      If you edit the file in this mode, it can only be saved to a local storage.

    2. To edit the content, click Edit.
      The Rich Text Block becomes fully available for editing in Microsoft Word. If you did not have an "In development" revision, it is created. On save, the "In development" revision will be updated.
  5. Make the necessary edits.
    While you edit a document, it becomes unavailable for unlock, upload, or edit operations. You can, however, view or download this document.
  6. Close Microsoft Word and save the changes when prompted to do so.
    If errors are detected, KCM Designer shows the error status of a saved document, possibly after a small delay. Make the required corrections and save the changes. To see how the Rich Text Block is going to look in the result document, see Test an object.

Alternatively, you can download the Rich Text Block to your computer to edit it in the editor of your choice and then upload it back to KCM Designer.

Make sure that the document you upload to KCM Designer for Windows does not contain phonetic guides for East Asian languages. This functionality is not supported by KCM and will cause an error during the upload.

To do so, click the object and then click Download for editing locally in the View and Edit pane on the right. Click Just download or click Lock and download to lock the object for other users. When you finish editing the object in your editor, save it and then click Upload locally edited file in KCM Designer to upload the file from your computer.

The maximum supported size of the uploaded file is 40 MB.

If needed, you can insert Fields by typing them in while editing.

Ensure that the Field you want to use does exist in the Data Backbone.

For example, to add a Field containing the last name of the customer, type «[Customer.LastName]».

You can also apply one of the formatting options to Fields in your Rich Text Block. To do so, add a colon after the Field name and type in the formatting option. For example, «[Customer.LastName:capital]» capitalizes the first character of the customer's last name. For the description of the available formatting options, see Format a Field.

To facilitate the process of inserting Fields, you can use KCM Toolbox for Word (for the installation and configuration instructions, see the Kofax Communications Installation Guide). When configured, to add a Field in your document, place the cursor where you want to have it, and then click the needed Field in the Toolbox to insert it. You can use a search function here.

To apply formatting, select the Field in the document, select a formatting option from the drop-down list, and click Add.

Preview a Rich Text Block as a PDF document

You can preview your Rich Text Blocks as PDF documents: when a Rich Text Block is saved, KCM will automatically generate a PDF preview for it.

The browser should support viewing PDFs by default or with a plug-in added. For example, Internet Explorer may require a plug-in to be installed and enabled. The appearance of the preview depends on the PDF viewer.

However, if you have upgraded to KCM 5.5 or imported a project that had been exported by a previous version of KCM, the older Rich Text Blocks will have no automatically generated PDF previews.

To address this, you can use the CreateRichTextBlockPreviews.exe tool to generate PDF previews whenever you need them. For more information, see the "Administrator tools" section in the Kofax Communications Manager Repository Administrator's Guide.