How to deploy Printix Client for Mac with Microsoft Endpoint Manager
You can automatically deploy Printix Client for Mac with Microsoft Endpoint Manager.
Open the
- Select Printix Client to download it.
- Open Downloads, for example from the Dock at the bottom of the screen.
- Double-click CLIENT_{home}_{id}.DMG.
- Copy the cardboard box icon (Printix Client.pkg) to a temporary location.
- Extend the name of the copied package file to have a similar name as the DMG file (Printix Client_{home}_{id}.pkg).
- Open a new browser window and sign in to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center ( using your work account credentials.
- In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Apps.
- On the Apps | Overview blade, under By platform, select macOS.
- On the macOS | macOS apps blade, select Add.
- In the Select app type pane, under the Other app types, select Line-of-business app.
- Select Select to select App package file.
- In the Add app pane, select Select app package file.
In the
App package file pane, select the browse button. Then, select the package file you renamed in step
(Printix Client_{home}_{id}.pkg).
The app details will be displayed.
- Select OK in the App package file pane to add Printix Client.
On the
App information page:
In Name, optionally, edit the text: Printix Client_{home}_{id}.pkg.
In Description, optionally, edit the text: Printix Client_{home}_{id}.pkg (1.3.1235).
In Publisher, type: Printix.
In Minimum operating system, select macOS Sierra 10.12.
In Install as managed, select No.
For Ignore app version, select Yes as the Printix Client automatically updates to the latest version.
In Category, select Productivity.
For Show this as a featured app in the Company Portal, select No.
In Information URL, optionally, type:
In Privacy URL, optionally, type:
In Developer, optionally, type: Printix
In Owner, optionally, type: Printix
In Notes, optionally, type any notes you want to associate with this app.
Optional Logo. Select Select image to select for example an image with the Printix logo.
- Select Next.
- Select the Required or Available for enrolled devices.
- Select Next to display the Review + create page.
- Review the values and settings you entered.
- When you are done, select Create to add Printix Client to Intune.
Up to 8 hours after installation, the Microsoft Company Portal may still show the Printix Client.pkg as Downloading even though the download and installation is complete. This is because Microsoft relies on an 8-hour synchronization interval. If you sync the Mac computer from Microsoft Endpoint Manager, the Company Portal will update and show the correct state (Installed).