Print with Printix

Having installed the Printix Client, you can print to Printix printers.

To print a document:

  1. On your computer, open the item to print.
  2. On the File menu, select Print.
  3. Select a Printix printer, then select Print.

    If you cannot find a printer on your computer, see Add printers in Printix Client.

Printix printers

  • Specific printer

    If you print to a specific printer, you can only release your document at that printer.

    When searching for a printer, you can identify each printer by its printer ID. The printer ID is a unique, three-letter ID (ASD, BNM) that is automatically added to the name of all Printix printers.

    Example: Reception ASD

    If you cannot find a specific printer, you can use the Printix Client to add the printer.

    To release a document from your selected printer:

    • You can Print as normal, without using any Printix applications.

    • Alternatively, you can use Print Later and subsequently use the Printix App to release the document.

      See the steps in the Printix User Help.

  • Printix Anywhere

    If you print to Printix Anywhere, you can release your document at any Printix printer.

    • Print to Printix Anywhere and subsequently use your phone to release the document at any Printix (ASD, BNM) printer.

      See the steps in the Printix User Help.


The document is printed immediately and directly at the selected printer.

  • The document is processed using the matching print driver, with full control of finishing options.

Print Later

The ideal method if you need to print confidential documents with finishing options and want to ensure your documents print exactly as intended.

  • The document can only be released at the selected printer.

  • The document is processed using the matching print driver, with full control of finishing options.

See the steps in the Printix User Help.

Print Anywhere

When you submit a document to the Printix Anywhere printer, you can roam between printers and release the document at the printer you choose.

  • The document can be released to the printer (ASD, BNM, …) you select.

  • If the release printer supports PDF, the document is sent directly to the printer.

  • If the release printer does not support PDF, the document is processed using a matching print driver.

See the steps in the Printix User Help.


From your phone, you can reprint those of your documents that were deleted or printed within the previous 12 hours.

  • Even documents you printed directly to the printer can be reprinted without going back to your computer and submitting them again.

See the steps in the Printix User Help.