
Lists the History .

  1. To get here, select Menu  > History .

    Fetching data may be displayed for a little while before you start to see data.

    You can also open History from the Properties page of a selected:

    • Printer

      See what printed on the printer and what changes were made to the printer.

    • User

      See what the user did and what changes were made to the user.

    • Computer

      See what printed and what changes were made to Printix Client on the computer.

  2. Select the Type:
    • System

      Changes to the setup, such as authentication, customization, group synchronization, data extraction, and changes to the user's role.

    • Printers

      Events involving printers.

    • Computers

      Events involving computers with Printix Client.

    • Users

      Events involving users and administrators.

    • Documents

      Events involving documents (print and capture).

  3. Optionally, select Level to control the amount of information shown.

    The levels are as follows: Debug, Info, and Warning. The level is cumulative, that is, if you select Debug, you will also see all events logged at the Debug, Info (default), and Warning level.

  4. Optionally, select Date.
  5. Choose From date and time.
  6. Choose To date and time.
  7. Select Apply.
    • Select Refresh to refresh the list.

    • For security and confidentiality reasons, documents are not referenced by their name.

Remote Printix support

The below commands can be issued remotely by Printix support for a selected computer:


    Request the Printix Client on the computer to upload log files.


    Request the Printix Client on the computer to check for new software.


    Request the Printix Client on the computer to get its configuration.


    Request the Printix Client on the computer to discover printers.


    Request the Printix Client on the computer to get status of printers.


    Request the Printix Client on the computer to get printer parameters.