How to uninstall Printix Go from multiple printers
- Select Printers .
- Select the eye icon in the table header and set the view mode to Printix Go.
- Select the check box next to the printers you wish to uninstall.
- Select Actions above the table, then select Uninstall.
- Select Uninstall again.
After 30 seconds passed, refresh the page and verify that the uninstallation succeeded.
On HP Workpath, right after this step, also uninstall Printix Go through the HP Command Center.
On Kyocera, right after this step, also uninstall Printix Go through the KYOCERA Net Viewer.
On Ricoh, the uninstallation takes 5–10 minutes.
If the printer does not behave as normal after the uninstallation, restart the printer.