How to prepare Lexmark printer for Printix Go

Create a local admin account on the printer

  1. Open the printer's web page and sign in as administrator.
  2. On the menu, select Settings.
  3. Select Security.
  4. Select Login Methods.
  5. In the Local Accounts section, select Add User.
  6. Select User Name/Password.
  7. In the Edit User Name/Password Account dialog box, enter the user information.
  8. In Permissions Groups, select Admin.
    • It is the same account you need to reference in the Sign in profile .

    • If another permission group is used than Admin, you must ensure that Access Controls as a minimum has Security Menu selected under Administrative Menus and Import / Export All Settings selected under Device Management.

  9. Select Save.

Enable HTTPS through the printer’s web page

  1. Open the printer's web page and sign in as administrator.
  2. On the menu, select Settings.
  3. Select Network/Ports.
  4. Select HTTP/FTP Settings.
  5. Select Enable HTTPS.
  6. Select Save.