Email invitation has already been used or is expired
The link in the email can only be used once for activation, and it must happen within 72 hours.
You signed up and got your Printix Home, but you did not download, install, and sign in to the Printix Client on a Windows or Mac computer, and now you have tried to resume the setup by selecting the Get started link in the email with the subject Welcome to Printix.
Resolution: Open the email with the subject Get started with Printix, then resume and complete the setup. Use a Windows or Mac computer to complete the steps described in Getting started.
You have already registered by selecting Get started in the email with the subject Welcome to Printix, but you did not download the Printix Client.
Resolution: Open the email with the subject Get started with Printix, then use a Windows or Mac computer to complete the steps described in Install Printix Client.
More than 72 hours passed before you selected Get started in the email with the subject Welcome to Printix.
Resolution: Contact the sender and ask for a new invitation email.