Email invitation has already been used or is expired

The link in the email can only be used once for activation, and it must happen within 72 hours.

  • You signed up and got your Printix Home, but you did not download, install, and sign in to the Printix Client on a Windows or Mac computer, and now you have tried to resume the setup by selecting the Get started link in the email with the subject Welcome to Printix.

    Resolution: Open the email with the subject Get started with Printix, then resume and complete the setup. Use a Windows or Mac computer to complete the steps described in Getting started.

  • You have already registered by selecting Get started in the email with the subject Welcome to Printix, but you did not download the Printix Client.

    Resolution: Open the email with the subject Get started with Printix, then use a Windows or Mac computer to complete the steps described in Install Printix Client.

  • More than 72 hours passed before you selected Get started in the email with the subject Welcome to Printix.

    Resolution: Contact the sender and ask for a new invitation email.