
The Printix Cloud Print Management Service consists of these components:

  • Printix Cloud

    Handles authorization, configuration data, and most of the business logic. Communicates securely with the other components through HTTPS.

  • Printix Administrator

    Centrally configure Printix and manage your printers, print queues, and print drivers. Runs in a web browser.

  • Printix Client

    Automates the creation of print queues and installation of print drivers. Runs on users' Windows and Mac computer.

  • Printix Chromebook

    Print to Printix-managed printers from Chromebooks and computers with Google Chrome.

  • Printix App

    Release, print, and delete documents. Runs as a mobile app on phones and tablets, or as a web app in a web browser.

  • Printix Go

    Integrates with your printer's touchscreen control panel, offering secure print release, copy control, card-based authentication, and more.

  • Printix Redirector (Printix Hybrid Cloud Print Enabler)

    Enable printing to a print queue on a Windows computer, enable hybrid cloud printing, and enable USB printing.

  • Printix Configurator

    Initially configure Printix with multiple locations (networks) and already deployed printers.

  • Printix Power BI report

    Provides analytics and a multi-perspective view into your Printix-managed print environment.

  • t_administrator_software.html#api

    Used by applications to push print jobs in printer-native or PDF format into a Printix print queue, and by organizations who want to do guest user administration. You can access the API documentation at