On the OIDC tab, you can enable and configure the use of identity providers that adhere to the OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 standard protocols for user authentication and authorization. Ping Identity and Amazon are examples of such identity providers.


  • Name

    Enter the name you want users to see when they sign in.

    The user will see the button labeled Sign in with {name}. However, if other authentication methods are enabled with at least one domain, the user will see a button labeled Sign in with OIDC. When the users select this button, a list appears with the name. In the first case, you may want to enter the name of the identity provider (such as Ping), and in the latter case, you may want to enter the domains so users can differentiate them (such as acme.com and ajax.com).

  • Client ID

    Enter the Client ID.

  • Client Secret

    Enter the Client Secret.

  • Discovery document url

    Enter the URL of the discovery document.

    Refer to your identity provider's documentation to obtain the URL.

    Sometimes, the URL may also be referred to as the "discovery document uri."

    The URL should point to a JSON document.

Sign in with OIDC

If you see Sign in with OIDC, select this and sign in with your OIDC account.

  • Automatic registration of the user happens the first time the user signs in with OIDC to Printix.

  • Single sign-on (SSO) to Printix with users' OIDC account.