On the SNMP tab, you can add, modify, and delete SNMP configurations. SNMP is only used to get/read information from printers. No set/write SNMP operations are performed.

To get here:

  1. Select Menu  > Settings.
  2. Select the SNMP tab.

See also:

The list of SNMP configurations has the following columns:

  • Name: The configuration name.

  • Networks: Displays Global if the configuration is assigned to all networks. Otherwise, displays the number of assigned networks.

  • Version: Displays V1 or V3 depending on the configuration version.

  • Default: The default configuration displays a check mark. Other configurations are blank.

  • Get Community Name: The community name of the printer.

The following functions are available:

  • Select the check boxes of multiple SNMP configurations to work with multiple SNMP configurations at the same time.

    Select the check box in the header row to select all available check boxes. This option not available if none of the SNMP configurations have a check box.

    The default SNMP configuration does not have a check box.

  • Select Plus to start adding a new SNMP configuration.

    The Add SNMP configuration dialog box appears.

  • Select Refresh to reload the list of SNMP configurations.

    The list is automatically refreshed after creating, updating, or deleting an SNMP configuration.

  • Select Search and enter the first few letters of an SNMP configuration to search for it.

    The search is not case-sensitive.

  • In the Networks column, select a number to display a dialog box with the list of assigned networks.

    Each network is displayed together with its IP and MAC addresses.

    You can select Networks to go to the Networks page.

  • Select a specific column title to sort by it:

    • Select Name to sort by name.

    • Select Version to sort by version. Items with the same version are automatically sorted by name.

    • Select Get Community Name to sort by community name. Items with the same community name are automatically sorted by name.

  • Select an SNMP configuration's Name or select More and SNMP configuration to open the SNMP configuration page.

  • Select the check boxes of SNMP configurations and select Delete to delete SNMP configurations.

    • You can delete a single SNMP configuration by selecting More and Delete.

    • You can also delete a configuration after selecting More and SNMP configuration. See SNMP configuration.

Site managers can add, modify, and delete SNMP configurations. However, it is limited what site managers can do.

  • Site managers can see the following SNMP configurations, which they can assign to printers:

    • SNMP configurations with Global networks assigned

    • SNMP configurations with at least one managed network assigned

  • Site managers can add, select, modify, and delete the following SNMP configurations:

    • SNMP configurations with only managed networks assigned

Add SNMP configuration

When the Add SNMP configuration dialog box appears, select the version of the SNMP configuration to add:

  • Version 1

  • Version 3

Version 1

  • Configuration name

    The name of the SNMP configuration.

  • Get Community Name

    The default is public. On some printers, this may also be known as Community Name Read Only.

  • Set Community Name

    On some printers, this may also be known as Community Name Read/Write.

  • Networks

    • If the configuration should be assigned to all networks, set it to Global.

    • If the configuration should be assigned to specific networks only, select Select, then select the appropriate networks.

Version 3

  • Configuration name

    The name of the SNMP configuration.

  • Username

    The SNMP user name can contain up to 31 characters in length and include any combination of alphanumeric characters (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and digits). Space is not allowed.

  • Security level

    Select one of the following security levels for communication:

    • No authentication and no privacy

    • Authentication and no privacy

    • Authentication and privacy

    Depending on the selected security level, it is required to also configure Authentication and Privacy protocol.

  • Networks

    • If the configuration should be assigned to all networks, set it to Global.

    • If the configuration should be assigned to specific networks only, select Select, then select the appropriate networks.


  • Authentication protocol

    Select one of the hashing algorithms:

    • SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)

    • MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5)

  • Authentication key

    The key used with the selected authentication protocol.

Privacy protocol

  • Privacy protocol

    Select one of the encryption algorithms:

    • DES (Data Encryption Standard)

    • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

  • Privacy key

    The key used with the selected privacy protocol.