How to open Printix Administrator
You can open the Printix Administrator in multiple ways on your computer, tablet, and phone.
Visit and select Sign in. If you have the system manager role, you can select Printix Administrator to open this.
You are prompted to select a Printix Home if you:
Sign in with Microsoft, and Microsoft Entra ID is used with multiple Printix Homes.
Sign in with Google, and Google Workspace is used with multiple Printix Homes.
Sign in with email, and your account is registered with multiple Printix Homes.
On your computer, open the Printix Client menu and select Open Printix Administrator.
Select the Printix Administrator link in the email with the subject Get started with Printix.
Open a web browser and enter the Printix Home of your work or school (acme) followed by /admin.
Do not put www in front of the address, because your browser will report the page as not private, untrusted, or as having problems with the security certificate.
Bookmark Printix Administrator in your web browser.
Add to Home screen
Add Printix Administrator to the Home screen on your phone or tablet:

- On the Chrome for Android browser, select Menu.
- Select Add to homescreen.

On the Safari browser's toolbar, select the
Share icon
On iPhone and iPod Touch, the bar is at the bottom. On iPad, the bar is at the top.
- Select the Add to Home Screen icon in the Share menu.