How to prepare Canon printer for Printix Go

Before installing Printix Go, the printer needs to be set up correctly.

Download the Canon ZIP file

  1. Open the Software page.
  2. Scroll to the Printix Go section and select Canon (ZIP) to download it.
  3. Unpack the downloaded ZIP file.

    The unpacked folder contains other ZIP files.

  4. Unpack the ZIP file that represents the region where you will use the Canon printer.
    • CAUS: Australia

    • CCHN: China

    • CEL: Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)

    • CJPN: Japan *

    • CKOR: Korea

    • CUSA: Americas

    • CSING: Any other part of Asia that is not covered by one of the other regions

    * The ZIP file for the Japan region can only be used by organizations that signed a contract with us. For any other organization in Japan, we recommend to unpack the ZIP file for the Asia region.

    The unpacked folder contains two JAR files (login and print), which you will need later for installation.

Configure the printer before installation

  1. Open the printer's web page and log in as administrator.
  2. Select Settings/Registration.
  3. In the left-hand menu, under Management Settings, select License/Other.
  5. Ensure that Use ACCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is selected.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Select the printer's model in the upper left corner (such as imageRUNNER ADVANCE) to return to the home page.

Install the required components on a single Canon printer

These steps describe how to install the required applications on a single Canon printer.

To install these applications on multiple printers simultaneously, you can use the Canon imageWARE Enterprise Management Console instead. This console can be downloaded from the European Canon Developer Portal (registration is required). To use the console, refer to Canon's documentation about "Code-Signed MEAP Application Installation and Distribution Work Instructions," which can also be downloaded from the European Canon Developer Portal.

  1. On the home page of the printer's web page, select Service Management Service.
  2. In the left-hand menu, select Install MEAP Application.
  3. Next to Application File Path, select Choose File.
  4. Browse to the JAR files you unpacked in step 4, and select the JAR file that has print in its filename.
    Example: device-canon-meap-print-dist.jar
  5. Next to License File Path, select Choose File.
  6. Select the license file you obtained in How to apply a Canon license.
  7. Select Install and Start as the operation.
  8. Select Install in the upper right corner.

    The installation of the first component is started.

    After the installation is finished, if you select MEAP Application Management in the left-hand menu, you should see Printix Go Print in the list of applications.

  9. In the left-hand menu, select Enhanced System Application Management.
  10. Next to Enhanced System Application File Path, select Choose File.
  11. Browse to the JAR files you unpacked in step 4, and select the JAR file that has login in its filename.
    Example: device-canon-meap-login-dist.jar
  12. Next to License File Path, select Choose File.
  13. Select the license file you obtained in How to apply a Canon license.
  14. Select Install and Start or Enable as the operation.
  15. Select Install in the lower right corner.

    The installation of the second component is started.

    After the installation is finished, you should see Printix Go Login in the list of applications.

    Do not switch to another login application while Printix Go Login is installed. Otherwise, the previously installed Printix Go Print component will also be unable to properly operate.

    If you restart a Canon printer for the first time after installing the Printix Go Login application, the printer may take up to 10 minutes to restart.

How to uninstall Printix Go from a Canon printer

Printix Go must be uninstalled from both the Printix Administrator and the printer's web page.

  1. Uninstall Printix Go from the Printix Administrator.
  2. Open the printer's web page and log in as administrator.
  3. In the left-hand menu, select Enhanced System Application Management.
  4. Select Switch next to a different login service (such as User Authentication).
  5. Restart the printer.

    Wait until the printer is restarted before moving on to the next step.

  6. Select Uninstall next to Printix Go Login.

    The uninstallation of the first application is started.

    After the uninstallation is finished, you should not see Printix Go Login in the list of applications.

  7. In the left-hand menu, select MEAP Application Management.
  8. Select Uninstall next to Printix Go Print.

    The uninstallation of the second application is started.

    After the uninstallation is finished, you should not see Printix Go Print in the list of applications.

How to update Printix Go Canon for a single printer

To update Printix Go on multiple printers simultaneously, you can use the Canon imageWARE Enterprise Management Console instead.

  1. Open the printer's web page and log in as administrator.
  2. In the left-hand menu, select Enhanced System Application Management.
  3. Select Switch next to a different login service (such as User Authentication).
  4. Restart the printer.
  5. Download and unpack the latest version of the Canon ZIP file.
  6. Install the Printix Go Login and Printix Go Print applications as described above.

    Use the JAR files from the newly downloaded Canon ZIP file during the reinstallation.

  7. Restart the printer again.
  8. Update Printix Go through Printix Administrator.